Monday, January 31, 2011

Hey, big plans

Hi, I know it's been since-last September, I think? If you cross over into my other blog, my crafty one, you'll know the reason. If not, it's because I started college and had to get my bearings together before attempting to blog again. Well, now I am together again, and I have a new gardening proposal.

We have a three tiered, 80 year old formal flower garden with brick stairs and more than a dozen set in brick beds. I have watched this beautiful but abandoned garden slowly deteriorate for years, wishing it was restored so that people could walk through it and enjoy it as a beautiful and relaxing place to escape and dream.

Well. This is the year. I am doing it.

Tune in early next week for the 'before' photos of the garden- the way it is now. And please feel free to comment-I love to talk, and I love to hear what you guys have to say.


  1. hi Katy! this is amanda! i have a really cool suggestion for the garden. It comes from a Daring Book for Girls, so if you need more detail you can look it up. the idea comes from the Secret Garden. You plant sunfloweres closeish together in a circle or square and can plant purple climbing flowers between them. When the sunflowers are big enough, you tie the heads together to create a small getaway fort! i thought it was really cool and wanted to do it, but our garden is a little small. .

  2. Hi Amanda! I don't know if my last comment went through or if Blogger ate it...

    I love love love that idea! I've read a little of that book, but not all of it. The more I think about it the more I think I'm going to do it!

    I once heard of an idea to make a teepee shape with bamboo sticks, leaving it open in the front, and then you grow snap peas up it, and by summer it's a shady hideaway that's edible. lol.

    Thanks for commenting, btw!
