Secondly, and mainly, I want to say that I haven't posted on this blog for a very long time. This is because I've been hammering away at college for the past four semesters, and I'm going to get my Associate's this May, thanks to my constant, hectic, school schedule.
Because of this I am now seeking a career in writing film music and performing. I am excited to say that I've been accepted to my dream school for my Composition degree, and I can't get much happier than this.
I don't have the time to attend to my other hobbies and blogs as I once did, but I have not ceased doing the crafts.
If I were to pick up blogging again, I would choose to just keep up one blog, and I would aim to be more organized and regular on my posts. I would also put all of my right brain interests-music, art, crafts, cooking, baking, sewing, and writing, onto the same one. I would also probably choose a wordpress formatted blog to do it on, since it is so user friendly and tidy looking. But time will tell what appeals to me in the future.
So, in the future, possibly near, but I'm not certain, I may have a blog again. It would be described as the past paragraph stated. I thank you all for your visits-and I hope you look me up in the future! Thanks, and have a great day!