As promised (though two days behind schedule) so, I guess that makes it not exactly as promised...oh well...the 'before' pictures. Sounds much grander than it is actually. What they really are is 'how very-very bad my garden looks RIGHT now' pictures.
But still, I need proof to myself and others how bad it is when I look back much later in the year from now.
Deep goes.
Above is the view from the upstairs of the first level of the garden.
2nd view of the 1st level of the garden, plus the walkway, which needs to be weeded/scraped terribly.
Here is the brick walk at ground level. Like I said, not a pretty sight.
Our pretty little merril magnolia tree.
There's a glimpse for you of the 2nd level.
There's a bed I attempted cleaning last fall (Nov. 2010).
More of 2nd level. I think a long time ago, the magnolia was treated as a bush-why else would you plant it in the corner of a flower bed?
Not that you can tell with all the leaves, but alongside that bank is actually a long flower bed.
View from back of the 1st level.
Bah humbug stupid trees of heaven.
View of first level from stairs going to 2nd level.
Need some stair repair-hey they're 80 + years old-give 'em a break. Oops, they've already had one.
First level above pic.
2nd level, left side as coming in from 1st.
An herb bed overrun with lemon balm-which isn't the worst thing in the world really. But I would love to expand some more herbs.
See all that dead bushiness? All previously lemon balm.
We are at top of stairs of 2nd level looking into 3rd level. There is one more flight of stairs leading from 3rd level about five r six steps-leading you down the hill to the pond below.
More 2nd level pics above and below.
3rd level above and directly below.
More stair work and cleaning needed.
A very long bed in the 1st level. The corner of this bed meets with the corner of the third level, which is why the photo is placed here.
I am so sick of these trees of heaven. Me and my brother personally lopped every one down to the ground a few years ago, to no avail. They came back in numbers and cover the entire hillside right behind the garden.
2nd level again.
View from that long bed I told you about into the third level.
A nice little bank alongside the third level, and a holly hedge in desperate need of a good pruning.
more of those...grrr...
Another ice holly hedge that needs help. Pics of it directly above and below.
Stairs need cleaning.
Third level.
2nd level again, taken from right on the bank between the 2nd and 3rd levels.
edge of third level toward pond side.
why is that tire there? That's a pathway, obviously. :D No, really, see the brick edging?
View down the hill towards pond. (above pic)
See the pond?
Brush cleanup needed ASAP! lol
Black locust in my herb bed. Tut tut tut.
And that sums it up. There are more angles I could have taken, but I'd end up with probably over a 100 photos if I did that. With these you should at least have the gist of what I'm working against.
I'm. doing. what. again?
I've got my work cut out.